Getting out of the house to run some errands or meet a friend for lunch with baby in tow can at times seem like a Herculean effort. Between trying to wrangle little arms and legs into presentable clothing to packing the diaper bag, it often feels like it takes twice as long to actually make it out the door as it did in my pre-baby days. But after nearly a year, I finally feel like I'm starting to get a little better at it. In fact, I've actually learned a thing or two from months and months of forgetting to bring along some of little guy's essentials. So, in the hopes of speeding along the learning process, here are five things never to leave at home when you're heading out with baby:
Diapers. This may seem obvious, but if you don't regularly use the diapers you've stocked in your diaper bag, you might take for granted that they'll be in there when you need them. If you don't check at least once a week, you might find that your stash has been depleted the next time you're getting set up in the family restroom at your favorite restaurant. There's nothing like having to sit through lunch with a stink bomb next to you, so make sure you have at least three diapers in your bag every time you leave the house.
A blanket. Bring along a light blanket whenever you go out. It can be used to keep your kiddo warm and cozy if he falls asleep in the car or stroller, as a nursing cover or to sop up a multitude of spills and messes on the fly. You can even use it in place of tissues or wipes in the event that you forgot to pack those in your diaper bag as well.
Snacks. Whether it's an extra bottle, some Cheerios or a sippy cup of water, be sure to always have some sort of nourisment on hand. Your excursion may take longer than you anticipated and having something for your little one to munch or sip on may make the difference between a tantrum in the middle of the mall or a peaceful drive back home.
Toys. A few small toys or a notepad and some crayons, can make sitting in traffic or a long wait at a doctor's office a little more bearable for small children. You can also go the smart phone or tablet route if you don't mind risking damage to an expensive item or a meltdown when you have to take a phone call.
Keys. Um, never, ever leave the house without double checking to make sure you have both your house and car keys. I once made this mistake and found myself attempting to break into my door with a credit card while my baby cried in his car seat in a hot hallway. It's one thing if you're by yourself, but a completely different level of miserable with a child.
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