Most women say they feel less confident about their looks after they have a baby, but did you know your man feels more attractive upon becoming a dad? Yep, married couples were asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale from one to 100 and looks like men who had become fathers ranked themselves as more attractive than before they were dads.
But why do these men all of a sudden think *"*they're sexy and they know it" upon having a kid? The answer is so simple that it may surprise you!
According to The Huffington Post, researchers collected information from 182 couples during three milestones: the beginning of their marriage, their first year anniversary, and again at their second. About 48 of the couples became parents after their second year of marriage and were all surveyed by ranking themselves regarding their attractive factor.
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It turned out that men with children scored themselves higher, while men who were childless rated themselves about the same at each time during the study. Their wives (not surprisingly) felt less attractive after giving birth and researchers say that's probably because of the physical changes that occur to the body that negatively impact their perception of themselves.
But WHY do men reap the benefits of being a dad and feel so "hot"? One of the lead authors, Alicia Cast, an associate professor the University of California theorizes that it may have to do with the positive feedback they get from people. She uses the example of her husband during an interview with The Calgary Herald and says that he noticed the attention he was getting when he was out in public with their son. It turns out that their confidence boost may come from being praised and told they're "good dads" all around.
Women receive the same compliments, but due to the toll the pregnancy took on their bodies, it has no positive effect on them. Ladies, you can simmer down, as the sudden boost in confidence turns out to only be temporary. The study showed that the following year their confidence regarding their attraction dropped.
It sucks that men are the ones enjoying the post-pregnancy period. I mean, first of all, the woman did most of the work by having to carry his child around for nine months and then suffers afterwards dropping the baby weight and running on little sleep. If men really feel so great during the early stages of fatherhood, this gives us more incentive to ask them for extra help–especially on those days we don't feel so great. At least in the end it evens out, but still it's unfair that they don't feel as stressed as we do upon becoming new parents.
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