Finding out your loved one is expecting a baby is thrilling, to say the least. And though coming up with creative ways to make the big announcement is fun, the best part is watching your family's faces when they finally realize what's going on! In the hilarious and heartwarming video below, dad-to-be Michael Krauter captured the moment when he and his wife revealed the happy news to his wife's parents–and his mother-in-law's reaction is so over-the-top, it'll make you laugh out loud.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 12 Awesomely creative ways to announce your pregnancy (PHOTOS)
The Krauters reportedly shared the news by wrapping a pair of "Grandpa's" shoes in a box with a card and a sonogram picture. But while Michael's father-in-law and soon-to-be grandpa reacts proudly yet calmly, shaking his hand and smiling happily, the abuela-to-be has a full-on freak out. She immediately starts screaming at the top of her lungs, practically sprinting around the table to give her daughter a huge hug before bursting into tears of joy.
Haha, aww! What a sweet video! It's always so touching to see a parent be so genuinely ecstatic for their child. Watching this clip, you can just tell this is something that Michael's mother-in-law has been anxiously awaiting for a very long time and that this is truly one of the best moments of her life. Congratulations to her, the Krauters, and the rest of the family!
Watch the heartfelt moment here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SlNGJ1Sr9bM#!
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