For such tiny creatures, babies sure know how to make some huge messes. Although I love neatness and organization, I generally dislike the process of getting there. Shockingly enough, I don't mind cleaning up some of the major messes my ultra-energetic and curious 9-month-old makes. I mean, I usually have to clean up what seems like the same wreck 50 times a day, but his interests and discoveries are just so much fun that I can't form a true complaint. Here are the four baby messes I don't mind cleaning up:
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1. Movie time! Well, not really. A little while back my son discovered our DVD case and several times a week I will find him surrounded by a pile of them. He can only reach the two bottom shelves, so in general there aren't more than … oh about 60 at his disposal. Somehow this misdeed is more humorous than annoying. Hey, it keeps him occupied and takes mere seconds to put back in order.
2. Not too neat when it's time to eat. Okay, my little guy loves to eat. I have seriously never seen a baby enjoy food as much as he does, but, wow, does he get it everywhere. At this point he's pretty great with purees, but when we break out the finger foods, his clothes usually ends up right in the laundry, then I have to sweep and wipe down any other surface that his grubby paws made contact with. I've actually taken to keeping a tiny wash cloth in the bathroom to scrub him down with after every meal and snack. It's a lot of work, but I can't fathom doing anything to hinder his appreciation for good food.
3. Bath time splish splash. Abel really enjoys bath time, so it's been a part of his nightly routine for months now. A few weeks ago, after we moved him to the big boy tub, my husband and I showed him how to splash the water. Naturally that means that most baths now end with my glasses and PJs a little damp, but it is such a good time, that I don't mind having to change or wipe down the bathroom floor before I hit the hay.
4. Reading rainbow. Lately my son's favorite activity has been pulling all of his books off the shelf and out of the baskets and opening and closing each one. Being a huge fan of books and a writer by profession, I'm pretty thrilled with his obsession, even if it means I have to pick up a rainbow of books from the nursery floor multiple times a day. It's so worth it when he finds the one he wants and hands it to me to read.
Image via Shayne Rodriguez Thompson