Another mom is now defending her right to breastfeed. Australian woman Regan Matthews was reportedly asked to stop nursing her 9-month-old by café owner Ash Houghton, who allegedly went so far as to call breastfeeding in public an "offense to humanity." The story soon caught the attention of the group Lactivists Australia, who decided to join forces with Matthews and take action.
Days after the incident between Matthews and Houghton occurred, about 50 moms and babies staged a nurse-in at the venue. Though employees at the café had issued an apology by then, the women felt the protest would help "claim [their] space and assert [their] rights."
"We are tired of being told that we should be ashamed of our bodies and their natural functions. We demand respect as women and as human beings. This is 2013, not 1950," Victoria Brookman from Lactivists Australia told The Australian.
Houghton was not at the café when the nurse-in took place, but claims she has received threats ever since the controversy started. She also denied calling breastfeeding "disgusting" or "offensive."
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I seriously do not understand how this is even still an issue. I don't even know how many more times or ways people can say it: women ARE going to breastfeed. And more than that, they have a right to. It's ridiculous that it's even still being debated…not to mention, unbelievably hypocritical. The public has no problem seeing boobs plastered all over ads and TV and whatnot, but when it's actually for a real purpose—as in feeding an child—it's a problem? I just don't get it.
I'm glad that Matthews decided to stand up for herself and that other moms were there to support her. Eventually, I think everyone will realize that breastfeeding in public is no big deal and just move on. I just hope its sooner rather than later!
Image via Sidney Morning Herald