I could not believe the story of British mom Louise Brooks-Tee who went in to labor with her first baby when her water broke, and then delivered her baby ON HER OWN in just 5 minutes. Honestly, after my own grueling 30 hours of labor, this lady is my hero–and also, maybe I hate her just a little bit.
Louise says that there was no long, drawn out labor (you know, like normal women!), "My waters broke and the next moment I felt my baby's head," she told Brit daily News & Star. She called her husband, Bruce, who told her to call her own mom, who just happens to be a nurse and midwife. Her mom guided her through what will probably go down as the shortest first-time labor in history.
Isn't that incredible?!
"I was actually on the phone to her, trying to get on to the bed, when he was born," Louise says. Amazing. Little Joshua made his very sudden entry into this world on February 6, and weighed in at a healthy 5 lbs. 15.5 oz. There were absolutely no complications and mom and baby are doing great.
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I want to congratulate Louise and Bruce on the birth of their son, and also add that I am in awe … and very, very, VERY jealous! Thirty hours–the last 10 hours of which I experienced excruciatingly painful back labor–was about how long I had to work to get little Sebastian out. The best part? I still ended up having to have a C-section to deliver my first baby. I felt like I was run over by a truck and then beat up with a bat, and here's lovely Louise who experiences no labor pains and pretty much drops her baby on her way from her living room to her bedroom…some women have all the luck.
Hopefully, Louise will have more of a chance to prepare for birth for baby #2 if they decide to have more children. Although with her record, her next labor is probably going to be one minute, 46 seconds long! We'll just have to see.
Image via Thinkstock