Parents make heart-wrenching bucket list for their dying 9-month-old

I can't even begin to imagine how painful and difficult it must be for a parent to find out that their child has a serious illness. That's why I couldn't stop the tears from welling in my eyes when I heard the story of Long Island, New York parents Eileen and Brett Linzer and their daughter, Quinn.

When Quinn was just 3 months old, she was diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called Niemann-Pick Disease Type A. Doctors told her parents there was nothing they could do and suggested they just "go home and enjoy her." Though the Linzers were devastated, they decided to make the short time they have with their daughter the best it could possibly be by creating Quinn's List.

The bucket list includes about 50 experiences that the family thinks all young girls should have, like dressing up like a princess, having a slumber party, going to Disney, and playing with a puppy. They have checked off about a dozen undertakings so far, but what matters to the Linzers is that Quinn has fun.

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"We're not concerned about crossing off each and every single item. We're trying to do what we can, what we think will be fun for her," mom Eileen said.

Wow … this is one of those stories that shatters your heart yet also makes you smile through your tears. I don't know Quinn's parents are able to stay so strong knowing that their time with their daughter is limited, but I applaud them for still trying to be the best parents they could be and give her the life that she deserves to have. I hope they are able to check off many more experiences off their list and that others follow their example and remind themselves to cherish every precious moment they have with their loved ones.

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