When you're pregnant, there is a lot that you are constantly worrying about and preparing for. One of the biggest difficulties, I think, is making sure that you eat right. The doctor will likely tell you to stop eating a lot of your favorite foods (no sushi?!) and get you paranoid about the foods you should be eating all the time. Well, lucky for us, some of the good-for-you-during-pregnancy happen to be the BEST foods on the planet and they're Latin! If you're serious about having a healthy pregnancy, then try some of these 4 Latin super foods and you won't regret it. Not only are they all delicious but they'll definitely be helping that baby grow well!
Read more ¿Qué Más? 12 Latin fiber-rich foods that will keep your pregnancy weight-gain on track
1. Citrus fruits: Do you love oranges? Grapefruit? Clementines? I know I do! I've been going through bags of clementines for weeks and it's definitely a GREAT way to satisfy some of your pregnancy cravings. Why? Well, all of the vitamin C in citrus fruits actually help iron be absorbed into your blood! And that's really important for your baby's development.
2. Avocado: I swear that guacamole is God's gift to the masses, and it's certainly a good thing to be snacking on during your pregnancy. You don't want to overdo it typically since avocados have a LOT of calories (and you definitely don't want to eat too many chips, which CAN be unhealthy!) but adding avocado to your salads and sandwiches is great, since they're full of monosaturated fats that are great for your skin and even better for your (and your baby's) brain health.
3. Lentils: Lentins, along with beans, are a good source of fiber and protein during your pregnancy. Lentils are also a great source of folate, calcium, zinc and amino acids. The best part, though, is that they're easy to prepare and can be easily added to soups, stews or even salad. Try to aim for 2-3 servings a day to really benefit.
4. Quinoa: Love your carbs but wish you could eat something a bit healthier? Well, let's welcome quinoa! The super grain (that's actually a seed) is typically served up instead of rice and it is an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamin B, E, antioxidants, folic acid and phytonutrients (plant compounds that help protect and build new cells, something you definitely need while preggers!). Aim for 4-5 servings a day by having it in place of cereal in the morning, having a quinoa salad for lunch and using it in place of your arroz in your dinner. Eat up!
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