Family welcomes 13-year-old adopted son with adorable ‘newborn’ photos!

You might think that a newborn photo shoot for a child who's 13 years old isn't a good idea, but it's pretty much the sweetest thing that this family has done for their newly adopted son. In what's sort of a PSA (public service announcement) for adopting older foster children, 13-year-old Latrell Higgins was talking with the family that just adopted him in Florida and regretting that he had no cute baby photos to giggle over now. So what did his new parents do? They arranged a newborn photo shoot of their very own!

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According to Jezebel, the photo came about in a bit of an unconventional way. Yes, I don't think anyone has ever seen a 13-year-old in "newborn" photos before but the family clearly has a deep love for their adopted son, and what's wrong with that? Since Latrell was sad that he didn't have those adorable photos, his family had a suggestion for him. This is what happened:

The family was sitting around the dinner table last month, when Higgins–a professional photographer–mentioned that she was preparing for an upcoming baby photo session. Latrell mentioned that he wished he had baby photos of himself. Higgins' 12-year-old daughter asked, why not "recreate" a newborn photo shoot just for Latrell? The family had a good laugh thinking about him in all the newborn poses.

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Mom Kelli Higgins put the photo on her Facebook page and it went viral with the caption: "Here's my sweet not so little newborn! His name is Latrell and weighs 112 lbs." I honestly think that's the most adorable welcome that any family could do! If I was Latrell, I would certainly feel loved and welcome. Plus, it's nice to know that everyone has a sense of humor! Seriously, how can your heart not melt looking at these photos? Congrats to the Higgins Family!

Image via Facebook