When little Asmik grows up and asks her parents how they ever decided on her name, they're going to have one hell of a story to tell her. Asmik's mom, 31-year-old Armina Babayan, gave birth this past weekend, while on a flight from Russia to Armenia!
On Saturday, Babayan boarded a Armavia Airlines flight going from Siberia to Yeveran, the capital of Armenia. The new mom had claimed to be only 6.5 months along during check-in, but either she really wanted to get on the flight or her baby decided to come early because Babayan began going into labor while still in the air!
A flight attendant, Asmik Gevondyan, noticed what was going on and began organizing the delivery, recruiting fellow crew members to aid with the childbirth. And according to local media, Babayan was so thankful for her help that she named her daughter Asmik after the attendant!
__Read more ¿Qué más?: 8 of the craziest places moms have given birth! (PHOTOS)
Wow, talk about an eventful delivery. Can you imagine having been on that plane? That must have been pretty nerve-wracking for Babayan and the staff … and the other passengers, for that matter! After all, they definitely got more than they bargained for when boarding that plane. I'm just glad that both mom and baby are safe and healthy and that the crew was able to step up and give her the support she needed!
Still, I can't help but wonder why moms-to-be keep boarding flights while they're relatively far along, especially considering all the weird places, including planes, where moms have given birth. Maybe it's better to start putting off long travel for after the pregnancy? Just a thought!
Image via Kossy@finedays/flickr