4 Unexpected benefits of being a mom

There are so many things to love about being a mom. Each new day brings special moments with your precious little one and along with every challenge we experience so much personal growth. But there are also some benefits of motherhood that are fun and unexpected. It's these perks that I turn to when I'm having a tough day–when I grow weary and yearn for a break. Here they are:

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1. No joke, we become almost superhuman. Okay, I'm not sure if it's actually adrenaline or if there's something else at work, but women seem to inherit some sort of superpower when they become moms. A woman who hasn't worked out a day in her life suddenly has no problem carrying a 20-pound baby on her hip all day while simulataneously chasing after a toddler, running errands, keeping house, and holding down a job–usually on very minimal sleep. If it's not adrenaline, I'm betting it's something pretty similar that helps us stay on top of it all.

2. We develop biceps of steel. Speaking of lugging around a 20 pounder, have you noticed how toned your arms have become since having a baby? It's the plus side to having a clingy child or one that is going through the separation anxiety phase. You might even notice a difference in your thighs from squatting down to scoop your little one up multiple times a day.

3. Your self-esteem improves. Being a mom is seriously hard stuff and all of us are faced with insecurities and doubts about our decisions and our abilities on a daily basis, but when your child smiles up at you and you realize just how special you are to him and just how much he loves you, there is no greater ego boost. Despite your mistakes and your flaws, your baby adores you.

4. Your husband–and the world–have an appreciation for mamás. Of course there will be moments or even days or weeks when you feel underappreciated, but practically the entire world recognizes the awesomeness of a mother. Even more than that, there is something to be said for the newfound respect most spouses hold for their wives after witnessing their child's birth and subsequently, watching her raise a bright and happy child.

Image via Ed from Ohio/Flickr