Between the crowded malls, the attempts to stay on budget, and all of the wrapping, gift giving during the holiday season can be very stressful. But it all becomes worth it to see the receiver's reaction when they open their present, right? Well, most of the time. Though some bratty kids aren't exactly thankful for their gifts, others–like the young boy in this video–are so supremely grateful, it makes you forget about the torture you went through to find the perfect present!
In fact, little Reese is so thrilled when he opens one of his gifts that he starts sobbing from pure joy! Aww!
In the clip below, Reese and his brother, Aidan, are unwrapping presents together. Though at first Reese doesn't seem all to happy with what he's opened, it soon becomes clear he's looking for one specific game. When he finally unwraps it (a video game called Tanks, Tanks, Tanks), he squeals with joy, smiles…and then suddenly dissolves into tears!
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"Daddy, I'm so happy," he says through sobs. Haha, wow, talk about an unexpected reaction! I know adults cry from happiness all the time, but kids are generally more straightforward with their feelings. Not Reese though! He's so overjoyed, it's like he doesn't even know what to do with himself. So he just resorts to his fallback option–which is to start bawling as if something's wrong.
The whole thing is so adorably hilarious, I just can't help but smile. And it seems like Reese's dad, who was filming the video, was having an equally hard time holding in the laughs. Well, at least, one thing's for sure: all of their holiday shopping definitely paid off as that reaction was priceless.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1bWHPxCyB2w
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