Most parents would reprimand their kids for getting involved in a fight…but not Timothy Taylor and Shequita Cade. The Georgia couple are now facing criminal charges after allegedly egging their seventh-grade daughter on after she came to blows with a classmate! Wow, way to lead by example.
Police say that Taylor and Cade actually drove their daughter to the bus stop to find the other girl and encouraged her to fight. Then, as if that wasn't enough, they also taped the entire incident and posted the video on YouTube! Seriously? Are they that proud of their daughter's violence that they feel the need to document it?
In the footage, the two girls are seen kicking and punching each other. At one point, Taylor can even be heard saying "nobody better jump in." What kind of parenting is that?!
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So what's their excuse for their ridiculous behavior? Apparently, they say that their daughter has been bullied and they wanted to teach her how to stand up for herself. Right, because beating someone up and becoming yourself will definitely break the cycle.
The two have since been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Meanwhile, the mother of the other child involved in the fight says she's shocked that "parents would allow this to happen."
And I have to agree with her! Imagine if either girl had been seriously injured. What kind of mother and father put their kid–or any kid for that matter–at that sort of risk? By encouraging their daughter to fight, they not only put two young girls in harms way, they also gave their child the idea that violence is the answer to her problems. I hope they each get the punishment they deserve!
Image via WSBTV