Need more proof that some people are NOT competent enough to be parents? Well, now we have it! A Florida man has just been charged with child neglect after reportedly leaving his 10-month-old baby in the care of his pet pit bull while he went to a bar!
It almost seems too ridiculous to have actually happened, but (unfortunately) it's the sad truth!
On Saturday, 41-year-old James Irvine was arrested after the child's mother learned that Irvine had left the baby alone and called the police. After leaving work, she came home to find her intoxicated husband struggling to get into the garage door. When she confronted him about leaving their child, he reportedly told her "the pit bull was watching the baby!" Again, I wish this was a joke.
When the mother came home, she found the child, alone and crying, in his bedroom with the door shut and the dog sitting outside the room. According to the police report, the little boy had a wet diaper and "clearly hadn't been changed in a while." That poor kid!
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Okay, being a huge dog lover, I will be the first to admit that some pups can do amazing things when put to the test…but that doesn't mean anyone should willingly leave their child with your pet! And all so that he could go drink at a bar! Gee, what a great dad.
Though Irvine tried to insist that he had been home the whole time, police caught him in his own lie after going to a nearby bar and speaking to the bartender, who confirmed she had waiting on the father that night! Wait so not only did he get caught by his own wife, but then he lied to the authorities about it? How is this idiot even allowed to be around children? Irvine was booked into the a local jail and later released on $1,500 bail.
Irvine is just lucky that nothing happened to his son. So many things could have gone wrong, but thankfully, the young boy is safe. And I'm so glad that his wife reported him the police. At least now, maybe he learned his lesson….although honestly, it sounds like she'd probably be better off ditching him and hiring a qualified babysitter.
Image via Daytona Beach News-Journal