The idea of giving birth can be scary for any woman, if only because there's no real way to know what to expect until after you've already had a child. That's why I'm in complete awe of Brittany Deen, the California mom who recently gave birth to the world's heaviest triplets!
Deen and her husband, Jason, welcomed a trio of boys who all together weigh a whopping 20 pounds, which beats the previous world record set last year of 18 pounds, 11 ounces. Wow!
Apparently the couple didn't even know they were having triplets until they went in for an ultrasound after Deen's third month of pregnancy, thinking they would finally get to see their baby. I can't even imagine their surprise when they found out they were actually having THREE–especially considering how rare that is when couples concieve naturally.
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In order to keep all of the babies healthy, Deen said she had to intake a lot more calories and protein than she thought. "At least a dozen eggs a day," she told a local news outlet. "I was pretty much eating every couple of hours."
And it looks like all that eating definitely had an effect! At birth, Jenson, Elliot, and Sidney weighed 5.5 , 7.3, and 7.8 pounds, respectively.
As someone who is pretty much terrified of the thought of child birth, I am absolutely floored by this woman's bravery. It's nerve wracking enough to be pregnant with and give birth to one baby, let alone three. I'm just glad that everyone–mom and babies–are all doing okay and can now enjoy their time together as a family.
Image via News10/KXTV