Many women dream of having their wedding on a beach or in a church or by the water…but I don't think anyone ever pictures themselves getting married in a hospital! That's exactly what happened to Ohio woman Cynthia Reese and now-husband, __Michael Bo__f. The two were forced to revise their wedding plans (and locale) after Reese went into early labor!
The couple discovered they were expecting three weeks after getting engaged. Though they planned on getting married in court before the baby was born, Reese's water broke a full two months before her due date, causing her to cancel their plans and check into a hospital for the rest of her pregnancy.
Not to be deterred, Bof decided to surprise the love of his life by taking it upon himself to __arrange a wedding ceremony in the hospital chape__l. Aww! How sweet is that?!
But it gets even better. When staff heard of his plans, they decided to help. Hospital visitors gave the bride flowers for her hair and played the traditional wedding march on the lobby piano. Meanwhile, Bof bought rings in the gift shop and one nurse even created a wedding dress out of a bedsheet, wrapping a blue monitor belt around it as a sash! Wow! Maybe it's not what she originally pictured, but you have to admit, it's a pretty inventive and super touching gesture.
Reese, for her part, was overjoyed, telling the Today Show, "I was so happy and overwhelmed and everybody pitching in and the surprise my fiance gave me… I couldn't have asked for more."
The new husband and wife reached another milestone in their relationship the very following morning, when their son, Michael, was born.
I absolutely LOVE this story! Doesn't it just melt your heart?! It's so amazing that everyone chipped in to help Bof and that he went to all these lengths to make their plans come true, despite the surprise early labor. What a great guy!
Plus, who better to celebrate to your new marriage with than your new baby? Congratulations to the whole happy family!
Image via Mark Riggs/Akron General