Although it's been around since September of last year, I'm just hearing about this ingenious idea: an ice cream truck converted into a mobile breastfeeding unit. Known as The Milk Truck and created by an artist mom, the idea is that it will come to the rescue of all those nursing moms who have ever been harassed for committing the most natural of acts: breastfeeding their babies in public. All a mom has to do is call, text, or tweet her location and the truck will be dispatched so she can breastfeed in peace.
I love the idea, but what I love the most is the way the truck was designed. As you can see from the picture, its pink, red, and blue stripes and bubbles make it look like a regular ice cream truck, but the huge boob on top makes it impossible to ignore!
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And that's actually what creator Jill Miller was going for, as she described what would happen after a nursing mom summons The Milk Truck in her Kickstart proposal last year:
The woman feeds her child, the shopkeeper who harassed her feels like a dweeb, and the truck does what it does best – creates a spectacle. (Which is, incidently, the very thing that the shopkeeper thought he was trying to avoid. Alas, some people have to learn the hard way.)
Don't you just love it?
The only thing that's not to like about Miller's breast feeding truck is that she actually found it necessary to come up with an idea like this one. It infuriates me that so many nursing moms are harassed, disrespected, insulted, and humiliated by some obviously sick people who have a hard time understanding there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with a woman feeding her child in the most natural way possible!
While I fully support the idea behind The Milk Truck, I hope the day its services are no longer necessary gets here sooner rather than later.
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