Moms-to-be fantasize about the perfect delivery that's painless, quick, and on time. Most learn that often times it doesn't go as planned, though. A.J. Ellis, The Dodger's baseball team catcher, had the delivery experience of a lifetime after his wife Cindy prematurely gave birth to their third child–in the front seat of their car!
Cindy startled the athlete one morning after her water broke, causing one heck of an adrenaline-fueled ride to the hospital. The now-father of three had not been present for the birth of his first two children, but he certainly had a front row seat viewing for their latest addition!
One of the things that scares me about childbirth is the idea of having to deliver a baby outside of a hospital, since that inconvenience can result in possible complications. It must be really scary speeding down the highway and having your wife in labor to the point that she has to deliver the baby in the car. Ellis thought that since Cindy was in labor for many hours with their other children that she would take a while to deliver their latest baby, but this newborn had other plans and arrived MUCH sooner than expected. In fact, Ellis didn't even have time to pull over as his wife gave birth in the front seat.
The couple had decided to not know the gender of the baby, but were greeted earlier than anticipated by Audrey Elizabeth Ellis—18 miles away from the hospital.
After calling the hospital, the Ellis' were told to take the newborn to the nearest emergency room where the mother and child were treated and deemed in great health. The funniest part of the story is that this whole incident occurred in A.J.'s father-in-law's car!
I'm glad to hear that the baby was born healthy and quickly–making delivery an easy task for the mom. Despite having missed the delivery of his first two kids, it looks like destiny had different intentions this time and wanted A.J. there for the WHOLE birth. I'm sure he'll never forget Audrey's untimely and dramatic arrival!
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