I had dinner with my sister a few nights ago and we were talking about my kids when she told me that recently my daughter said this to her: "I have so much fun playing with you, tía. My mom is always busy working and never has time to play with me." I was flabbergasted, but more than anything, I was heartbroken. I mean, it's not like I'm oblivious to the fact that I've been working more than ever these past few months, but to hear my daughter complaining about it to someone else hurt like hell.
As some of you might know, I've spent the majority of my time this year working on my first book. The first few months of the year I spent the majority of my waking hours writing and editing it. And ever since it was finally released about a month ago, I've been working non-stop to promote it. And that's in addition to my full-time job as a staff writer for MamásLatinas.
Like any working mom, I am always dealing with the guilt of having to choose work over spending time with my children. Yet I always try to tell myself that they're still too little and they probably won't remember all my business traveling and the endless hours I spend in front of my laptop. But I've been obviously delusional.
So now what? Well, for starters, I'm hoping things will start slowing down. And, to make up for all the lost time, my family and I are sailing away on our first Caribbean cruise as you read this. The only plans we have is to relax and have tons of fun!
In the end, that's all I can do. That and pray that these will end up being the childhood memories my kids remember as adults.
Imagen via popofatticus/flickr