YouTube has helped bring a lot of people's lives to the public's attention, but the story of __the Leffew__s is definitely one of my all-time favorites. The northern California family has become an online sensation after they released an incredibly touching music video, entitled "I Have Two Fathers."
The heartwarming video, which literally brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it, stars dads Jay and Brian Leffew and their adopted daughter, Selena, as she sings their family's story. "I have two fathers, two real fathers," the young girl sings. "They are cool and sometimes strict, but we're all doing great." As the song continues, the camera follows the family going about their daily lives, with the dads helping the kids do everything from their homework to brushing their hair. Aww! I can feel myself getting emotional again just thinking about it.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Devoted dad documents son's entire life in amazing 6-minute time-lapse video (VIDEO)
But the sweet video wasn't made just with the intention of capturing family memories. After Proposition 8 passed in the state, the Leffews decided to respond by creating their own YouTube channel "Gay Family Values." They have since made dozens of videos, featuring both Selena and her brother and giving a viewers a taste of their life at home.
It's so amazing to see the Leffews respond to the attacks on their community by using themselves as a positive example. After all, they are THE proof that a family is a family, regardless of the parent's sexual orientation.
Grab some tissues and watch the whole video here:
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wGdsvTftkjA
Image via YouTube