Pretty much every parent–boths moms and dads–has seen The Little Mermaid at some point or another. Hey, it comes with the territory of having kids, right? Now, an adorable new YouTube video has captured that very sentiment by recording a bunch of fathers as they cover one of Ariel's most beloved songs!
In this hilarious and super cute clip, posted by LifeofDad, viewers can see all kinds of dads from "around the world" singing the famous Little Mermaid tune, "I want to be where the people are," as they work and go about their daily lives. In one scene, a firefighter dressed in full uniform belts out the song as he slides down a pole while in another, a tattooed barber, sings as he cuts someone's hair.
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The message behind the whole tape? "Becoming a dad changes everything."
Aww, well ain't that the truth! I find this video especially adorable and hysterical because I think every father and daughter–including myself–can probably relate. I could totally see my own dad doing something like this. In fact, just the other day, he was reminding me of a cartoon I used to like when I was younger and when I couldn't think of the name, he actually started singing the show's theme song! I couldn't believe he remembered it, particularly since this is a man who often cannot remember what he ate for breakfast.
It's that kind of dedication–and that of the people in this video–that makes a great dad!
Image via YouTube