In yet another story about inappropriate relationships between educators and students, an Arkansas English teacher and mom of two was arrested for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a student in the school parking lot. The 31-year-old teacher, Courtney Speer, resigned and turned herself in after the school got a tip that she was having a sexual relationship with her former 9th grade student, who is now 17.
Speer is out on a $20,000 bail, but is not due back in court until October 13 when she will receive a verdict. She faces sexual assault charges and if convicted, Speer's will spend up to 30 years in prison.
I still don't get how these teachers haven't learned that getting involved with their underaged students is a BAD idea!
This woman is married–and a mom no less–and while I don't condone cheating, if she was looking to be unfaithful, why couldn't she find a man that's of age? It's sickening to think that you can't even send your kids to school because teachers like Speer's leave parents feeling apprehensive.
Read more ¿Qué más? Married high school principal caught in textual relationship with student
Speer didn't even take into consideration the type of example she's setting for her children and the risk of being imprisoned and losing her job. The student in question admitted to police that they did have sex in her car in the school parking lot several times, and in her home in Benton, Arkansas. It's disheartening to think that a mother and educator would take advantage of a child and not even think about the pain she may cause her own and the victim's family.
I hope she gets what she deserves and that the law keeps cracking down on educators who are taking advantage of their job and forming inappropriate relationship with students.
Image courtesy of KTHV