With all the different forms of technology available to us, it is easy to keep in touch with loved ones no matter where they are in the world. Navy technician, Jon Zimbelman, proved just that when he recently watched his wife deliver their twin babies using just an iPad and the Skype application. Zimbelman, 31, is stationed in Iraq and couldn't make it home in time for his twins arrival–but at least he didn't have to miss all the action when his wife Erin, 32, gave birth to twins Braylon and Brielle at North Valley Hospital.
Erin says she knew her husband would not have wanted to miss the birth and had the support person hold the iPad at the angle where his head would've been had he been there. I can't imagine what a joy it must it must have been for him to be able to see his chidren being born from thousands of miles away.
It's amazing to witness the true power of technology, especially when it's used to capture beautiful moments such as this one. Erin said, "I felt like he was part of it and that he was there for me," adding, "For him to be there, it was amazing. I can't explain the feeling." Jon puts it perfectly, "Love is not a big enough word to describe what you feel when you get to see your kids come into this world."
Read more ¿Qué más? Soldier who never knew she was pregnant gives birth in most dangerous base in Afghanistan!
Jon and Erin had gone through a hard year after the death of his mother and her father suffered a stroke. The birth of their twins surely is a welcome moment of pure joy amidst hard times. The next time Jon will be home will be for Thanksgiving when he'll meet his newborns for the first time.
I'm sure that will be another emotional experience for him and i'm sure he won't want to leave. We wish Erin the best as she deals with the babies on her own right now and wish Jon a safe stay in Iraq and trip back home.
Images via KAJ 18