I'm sure there are a lot of perks that come with being Jennifer Lopez's kid–and attending fashion shows seems to be one of them!
Glam mom Jennifer Lopez attended Chanel's Paris Fashion Week show with her little daughter, Emme Maribel Muniz and beau Casper Smart. I have to admit, Emme looked pretty darn stylish for a 4-year-old. Not to mention that she looks a little bored!
Both mother and daughter sat front row looking incredibly chic, with J.Lo in a delicate plunging white mini dress paired with sexy black and gold pumps, and Emme wearing a pretty pink Chanel tutu dress paired with a polished white cardigan. How cute!
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The show turned out to be quite the family affair, with boy toy Casper Smart joining them. Lopez also sat next to legendary photographer Patrick Demarchelier and near rapper Kanye West.
While Emme looked rather bored and antsy during the show, she certainly wasn't feeling camera shy, drawing attention from almost every photographer there! But then again, she is J.Lo's kid right? Shoot, I wouldn't mind being Jennifer's daughter for a day. With her busy schedule there'd be plenty of room for me to attend extravagant industry events and fashion shows like it was my job! Not to mention I'd have the luxury of being decked out in designer clothes from head to toe. Seriously, who wouldn't want that?
Emme may be too young to fully appreciate or even understand all the fabulous privileges she's inherited, but I'm sure she doesn't mind the extra one on one time with mommy!
Image via Splash News