Now that my youngest one is 3 1/2 years old, I can officially say that I've survived toddler-hood twice in my life. It wasn't always easy or fun, but there are some things I'm going to miss about raising a toddler … and others I'm so glad I'll never have to deal with again!
If you've raised a toddler, you probably know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, then you might want to take a look at my list of 10 crazy things about raising toddlers.
1. Toddlers have absolutely no sense of time. I know it's ridiculous to expect otherwise, but I'm always amazed by how much of a rush I'm always in because they take their sweet little time for everything–especially when we're running late!
2. Toddlers can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" (or whatever song is their current favorite) 15 times in a row and not see anything wrong with that. Or they'll ask you to play "Gangnam Style" over and over again so as to make sure that you will NEVER want to hear it again.
3. Toddlers think it's cool to take a look at their poopbefore flushing the toilet. Oh, and they like to describe what they see, get real happy when it's a big one and then they run out to share the news with whomever's around.
4. Toddlers don't have a problem being in the bathroom with you … while you're pooping. WHY???
5. Toddlers will sneeze right on your face and continue on their merry way as if nothing happened while you try not to act too disgusted that you just got sprayed.
6. Toddlers don't care if it's politically incorrect to tell their aunt they don't like the gift she just gave them for their birthday. They say it like it is.
7. Toddlers don't really understand the idea of using their "inside voices." And if they do, they don't give a hoot about the concept if they think screaming at the top of their lungs will get you to give them what they want.
8. Toddlers are capable of making up an entire song using words like poop, butt, pee, boogers, and fart, and then sign it in front of your guests because they think it's awesome and it should be nominated for a Grammy for Song of the Year.
9. Toddlers are bipolar. The thing that made them happy one second ago is suddenly the worst thing in the world. WTH??
10. Toddlers will come up with the craziest–and funniest–explanations for the world around them. For example, the other day, my son and I were looking at a picture of me breastfeeding him when he was a baby and this happened:
Me: "You used to drink milk from my breast."
Son: "And you don't have any more milk?"
Me: "No."
Son: "Did I drink it all?"
Help us add on to this list by sharing your own crazy things about raising toddlers!
Image via Roxana A. Soto