A new study reveals that mothers who suffer from depression after giving birth are more likely to have children that are shorter than their peers. The scary part is that the mother's depression affects the child's growth for up to several years after birth!
These findings may become a new way to help doctors to determine if heights too short for a child's age are a warning sign. But how exactly can doctors determine if a child is short due to their mother's postpartum depression or if it's because of genes?
The new report explains that scientists found that moms who claimed to have postpartum depression nine months after giving birth were 50 percent more likely to have children shorter than many other kids their age. Although the connection between a mother's depression and child's height is unclear, doctors speculate that children may also become depressed affecting their endocrine system which controls their growth.
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I was surprised to hear about this study because I'm a petite person, but in my case I don't think it's because of my mother's mental health. She always recalls how happy she was becoming a mom and says she never suffered from postpartum depression. But I can see how this can be a cause of concern for doctors and thus their determination to finding a solution for the problem.
This is why it is important for physicians to see how their pregnant patients are doing overall to check for potential signs of postpartum depression. Sadly, according to studies, when a mother is depressed, chances are higher that they interact less with their children and don't build the bond necessary for a healthy relationship with them. In addition, they may not fulfill motherly duties as well as emotionally being there for them.
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It's great to see that doctors are paying closer attention to moms who suffer from postpartum depression and realizing that mental health does play a big role during nursing. Now that this is a theory, It would be interesting to see what information they can dig up to further explain why a child's growth is strongly impacted by their mother's well being.
How else do you think doctors should work with moms suffering from post-partum depression?
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