Recently, some primary schools in South West London, Surrey and Kingston have banned students from having best friends!
No really…I wish I was kidding. Is it me or does it seem it like schools lately are more preoccupied with setting bizarre and unnecessary rules than with actually teaching our kids?
Apparently, the policy has been instated to protect kids from the emotional turmoil of having a fight with said friend. Instead, teachers are asking their students to play in big groups.
"They are doing it because they want to save the child the pain of splitting up from their best friend," educational psychologist __Gaynor Sbutton__i told The Sun of the new rule. "But it is natural for some children to want a best friend." Um…yeah, obviously!
Read more ¿Qué más?: New school policy bans hugging & cake, but will do nothing for security
I mean, are these people serious? I never thought I would see the day where schools would actually discourage kids from forming close social bonds. It just doesn't make any sense. Aren't they supposed to be fostering interaction and teaching kids how to deal with life situations–like fighting with your friend, for example?
The truth is, children won't learn anything if they constantly get sheltered from these important, real-world experiences. After all, those experiences are part of growing up and they're what helps shape you as a person. To this day, some of my own closest friends friends are those I met in kindergarden and though we've had our ups and downs, they are an integral part of who I am.
The only thing baning kids from forming friendships will do is make them antisocial, maladjusted and miserable–and potentially rob them of a life-long pal.
Unfortunately though, this is hardly the first time schools have pulled a ridiculous stunt like this! Below, 7 more bizarre things that schools have banned for no good reason:
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Football jersey

As a Broncos fan, third-grader Konnor Vanatta was attempting to show team pride at school before a big game. Instead, school officials apparently informed that the number is associated with certain gangs and therefore is not allowed on clothing inside county classrooms. But that's not even the weirdest part! The same policy also applies to additional numbers, including 13, 14, 31, 41 and 81. Huh?!
Deaf sign name

A school actually had the nerve to ask a deaf preschool to change the way he signed his name because the hand gesture looks like a gun. REALLY?!
Binder photos

Honors student Brianna Gentry was almost kicked out of school, simply for displaying some photos on her binder!
Sex education textbooks

One California School District was sued for using abstinence-only textbooks that left out many of the most popular and effective forms of contraceptives__,__ and instead highlighting ineffective methods, like sleep, as a prevention against pregnancy. Seriously, have these people ever been to a doctor?
Bake Sales

Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Education forbade public schools from hosting bake sales…because, you know, cupcake fundraisers are basically deadly.
High Fives

Earlier this summer, an Austrial school banned high fives, hugging, or playing basketball or football. Students caught doing any of these activities would be punished with counseling sessions. Wow, way to discourage kids participating in healthy physical activity.

A school in New Jersey recently banned hugging after teachers apparently witnessed physical interactions that they deemed "unsuitable." Sounds like some people need a hug!