I really don't want to judge a book by its cover (or before reading it), but sometimes there are stories that sounds so ridiculous that I don't even know what to do with myself. Such is the case for Revealing Eden, a new young adult novel that has sparked a huge controversy over racism–especially because the book's trailer shows a white actress in blackface.
Now, I haven't actually read the book and I really don't want to make assumptions, but no matter how the author defends herself, wearing blackface in today's day and age is just NOT okay.
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The book itself deals with a dystopic society "where black citizens, dubbed the 'Coals,' rule over marginalized white citizens called 'Pearls,' described in the novel as 'the racist term for whites.' " Author Victoria Foyt argues that her book explores the complex issue of race but, whether it does or not, it is absolutely not necessary for her to put out a clearly racist book trailer.
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I really can't say whether the book itself is racist or not (though it certainly sounds like it, doesn't it?) but I am very, very disturbed by some of the information that's out there. The author actually wrote an article called "White and In the Minority" that just reeks of crazy. I'm not sure that I could read this book and, although I'm really trying not to judge it, it does sound pretty… well, racist.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AT6qxYBI4
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