With this summer's intense heat wave, it can be hard to find the motivation to leave your air-conditionated house and go outside into the furnace-like temperature. But you don't need a pool to have fun and stay cool. Instead, break out a few awesome water toys that are guanteed to keep your family entertained for hours, even in the hot sun!
Not sure where to start? Below, 7 of this year's best summer water toys!
Little Tikes Spiralin' Seas Waterpark
This water/activity table will provide kids with hours of entertainment while also helping them develop certain motor skills.They can drop the ball into the "river" that runs through it, put it in the spiral to watch it swirl around, or turn the ferris wheel to scoop it up.
Max Liquidator Eliminator
Normally I would advise keeping your kids away from toy guns…but water pistols are perfect and so fun for summer! And at only $7, this one is pleny affordable—you can buy one for your kids and some friends!
Blossom Bright Kids' Sprinkler
Get your kids into gardening and conservation with this mini-sprinkler, which easily attaches to any garden hose. It comes from a reliable brand and is made of sturdy material so for only $20, you'll have a toy that lasts several summers!
Little Tikes Spray and Rescue Fire Truck
Every kid dreams of riding in a firetruck! This adorable ride-on push car is perfect for toddlers…and the best part? It actually has a pressurized water tank and hose that squirts water!
Blast Zone Tropical Splash
This item is pricier than your average water toy but it's so fun, you'll be happy you made the investment. The Tropical Slash is a compact, affordable, easy-to use backyard water slide which allow kids will beat the heat while still having a blast sliding and spashing away! And all you have to do is inflate it and attach a garden hose to make it work!
Step2 Play Up Adjustable Sand & Water Table
Let your kids get a little messy splashing at this water and sand table. It includes a few toys and latches to keep everything closed tight against rain and bugs and it features a small umbrella to help keep that youthful skin out of the skin!
Super Soaking Fire Hose with Backpack Child
Another toy for aspiring firefighters! This item is smaller in real life than it looks in the picture, but will actually shoot water up to 35 feet away and has gotten rave reviews from parents.