Oh, the things you do for your kids! Seriously, you have to give credit to the super dedicated parents, like the adorable and hysterical dad in the video below.
Despite being very, very afraid, he accompanies his daughter on a ride called the The Screamin' Swing at Dollywood. While the daughter laughs, smiles, throws her hands in the air and just generally has the time of her life, the poor sweet dad holds on for dear life, screams in terror, and even resorts to cursing and screaming "NEVER AGAIN, GRACE ELIZABETH!" (It's always bad news when your parents use your first and middle names.)
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But despite this claim and his obvious panic, when the employee at the park asks if he wants to go for another round, he gamely says yes and stays on to appease his daughter. AWW, what a great father!
Check out the hilarious video below–the dad's face when the ride starts is so priceless, you're guaranteed a laugh.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeBUCvxlPEk&feature=player_embedded#!
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Image via YouTube