The debate over breastfeeding in public continues! Recently, the argument was once again brought into the spotlight when professional photos surfaced of two servicewomen in uniform nursing their kids. But one of the moms pictured, Terran Echegoyen-McCabe says she is proud of the photos, despite what the public's criticism.
Since the photos first went viral, people have been hurling insults at the two military moms. Crystal Scott, creator of Mom2Mom, a breastfeeding support group for military mothers, even told TODAY that "a lot of people are saying it's a disgrace to the uniform" which she called "extremely upsetting" (Scott was the one originally behind the idea of the photos).
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"There isn't a policy saying we can or cannot breast-feed in uniform," Echegoyen-McCabe said. "I think it's something that every military mom who is breast-feeding has done. … I think we do need to be able to breast-feed in uniform and be protected."
I completely agree! The Air Force has no specific policy that addresses breast-feeding in uniform, so why does it even matter? If anything, I think the pictures are the epitome of female strength. These women aren't only fighting for their country, but they are also doing so while trying to take care of their young kids. That's not to say that every mom (with or without a uniform) should breastfeed in public, but I do believe it's an individual choice that should be respected whether or not you agree with it.
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And though some argue it's not the act of breastfeeding but the fact that the pictures were too revealing (Really? Grow up, it was just a photo shoot! That doesn't mean they actually breastfeed that way!), to me, the photos only highlight the women's courage and tenacity–qualities the military strongly upholds! Instead of deeming them as disrespectful, people should be view these women for what they are beyond their bodily parts and functions, which is amazingly brave and inspiring.
What do you think of the photos? Tell us in the comments below!
Image via Brynja Sigurdardottir/facebook