In February 2021, Natti Natasha announced via People en Español that she and finacé Raphy Pina are expecting a baby. This is big news no matter what, but it is spectacular news given that Natti had been told by her doctor that pregnancy just wasn't in the cards for her. As someone who always envisioned herself becoming a mother, this was devastating news for the Dominican singer. But then it happened. Against all odds, she got pregnant! She and Raphy, who is also her manager, have been sharing pictures of her growing belly and those photos are a delight to behold.
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Raphy has three children from a previous relationship, whom Natti considers to be her children as well. They are all over the moon about Natti's pregnancy and can't wait to meet their sibling, which is going to be a … Ha! We'll tell you that later, alongside the gorgeous pics of Natti and a bit more about her fertility struggles, which she has been so candid about. It has been a pleasure to witness a bit of her pregnancy journey and we're sure she's going to be a phenomenal mom.
Raphy shared the news on Instagram.
Raphy posted this series of photos of himself and Natti sporting a baby bump and wrote: "What a HUGE gift PAPA GOD HAS GRANTED US! @nattinatasha God is the one in control and no matter how much they tell us NO, when he says YES, it works. A new life is on the way and it will have the best Parents in the world, the best families and the best fans!"
What made her want to have a baby now?
"I spoke with my partner Rafael [and told him]: 'The years continue to pass, I know that work is very important … but right now the [biological] clock does not stop,'" she said. And so they decided to go for it.
Natti had some challenges when it came to getting pregnant.
In the past, she had to have cysts removed from her uterus as well as a fallopian tube. When she and Raphy decided to have a child together, she was advised that in vitro fertilization would be her best option. "The hormones drive you crazy; you don't know whether to laugh, cry. But I didn't care. I was happy because I was doing it," she said.
She went all in!
"I gave myself three to four injections [of hormones] every night. I remember that in a week I had gained almost 18 pounds, I couldn't even bend my arms," she shared. It was rough, but she was all in.
In vitro fertilization wasn't the answer.
Sadly, IVF did not work for her, and her doctor pretty much told her that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant. "It gave me depression, I didn't want to see anyone, I didn't want to talk to anyone," she admitted. "I felt like a total failure as a woman."
Then something happened during a jet ski expedition.
She and Raphy were in Puerto Rico and decided to go have some fun on jet skis when Natti started to feel some back pain. She didn't mention it at the time because she didn't want to spoil the fun. Instead, she took some Tylenol and consulted a doctor when she got back home.
It turns out, she was pregnant!
"The next morning, [Raphy] gets a call from the doctor directly. He stands to one side with his cell phone, opens his eyes and says, 'You're pregnant,'" she shared. Can you imagine the elation they both must have felt?
They were both thrilled when they found out she was pregnant.
"We are super happy. I am going to be a mother. I have never been in such a good mood in my life," the singer said. How could they not be? After everything they went through it had to feel like a miracle and who is to say that it isn't?
The couple got engaged after getting the good news.
When Natti shared the news that she was engaged on Instagram, she wrote: "También quería gritarlo a los 4 vientos. I SAID YES ." Raphy became her manager in 2016, but their romantic relationship didn't start until later, as he was married to someone else at the time.
What about Raphy's children?
When asked how she gets along with Raphy's children, Natti said: "They are my children, too. They are also very happy that there will be a baby at home." Raphy is proud of being a papa and frequently shares pictures of his children on social media.
They had a baby shower where they revealed the gender.
At their baby shower, Natti was a vision in white. They decided to do an Instagram Live so that their fans could share in the festivities and find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. And? It's a girl!
How does she feel about having a girl?
She said: "God sent a girl, but actually I knew I would be happy with either. Since she is a girl, I want her to feel loved, beautiful and unique, for her to know that she has no limits and that I am here to see her conquer all that she sets out to do."
Pregnancy only seems to have increased her drive.
She's continued to work on her music while pregnant and seems to be fueled by happiness. She shared some pregnancy photos of herself on February 18 and part of the caption reads:
The HAPPINESS that I feel in my heart is priceless !!!!!
Now to continue working triple for the princess or the prince who is on the way, who already has the best fans in the world !!!!!
We're so happy for her!
Even though she's been so open about sharing her fertility struggles, only she knows how much pain it caused her. We can't help but be thrilled to see her enjoying a healthy pregnancy and showing off that baby bump with so much love and pride.
Their child is blessed.
Natti and Raphy are overflowing with gratitude and are thrilled that they are going to have a baby girl. That child is blessed and so are they. Their little girl will always know how much she was wanted.