Being a celebrity definitely comes with many, many perks. The perks look all shiny and glittery to us non-celebrities, but let's remember that it's not all glitter, glam, and privilege. Celebrities have to contend with the ugly side of being in the public eye constantly. For example, think about how female celebrities, in particular, are constantly judged on their appearance. Not only are they judged on their physical appearance, but they are also body-shamed publicly by anyone with access to the internet. It's absurd because as the saying goes: "Opinions are like armpits. Everybody has them and most of them stink." Yes, we cleaned up the saying a little bit by replacing a much more vulgar word that starts with an "a" and ends with an "s" with armpits, but you get the gist.
More from MamásLatinas: Celebrities who have opened up about being body-shamed
One of the latest victims of body-shaming is the wonderful Aislinn Derbez of the Netflix show House of Flowers–FYI, we love that show, you should totally watch it if you haven't already. Anyway, back to what happened to Aislinn–aka Eugenio Derbez's daughter–she posted a very cute picture of herself wearing a very cute leopard print bikini. We actually loved the pic and even included it in a roundup of celebrities showing off their curves in bathing suits because C-U-T-E. But apparently, not everyone thought that Aislinn looked cute and, of course, they let her know because they seem to think they are insulting someone who isn't human and has no feelings.
It's awful the comments that people left on Aislinn's post. Aislinn somehow managed to post an incredibly thoughtful response because she's classy like that and knows how to take the higher road. But she shouldn't have to deal with that kind of nonsense. And she is by no means the only celebrity who has had to endure being shamed for her body. Nope, she's in good company with the likes of Shakira, Eva Longoria, Chiquis Rivera, and so many more. It's not right and we all need to be better. Yup, present company included because none of us are perfect.
Here Aislinn Derbez in that cute bikini we told you about.

Cute, cute, cute, cute! Right? We thought so and so did plenty of other people, but then there are the mean and vicious trolls who decided to spew ugliness. She was criticized for being too thin, for not having enough muscle, and one horrible human being went as far as to say that Mauricio Ochmann left her because she is too skinny. Really?! That's just beyond mean, it's cruel, unnecessary, and adds nothing but ugliness to the world.
Aislinn's response was eloquent to the MAX.
After being bombarded with negative comments, Aislinn decided to have her say with words that she very carefully crafted. She wrote her response in Spanish and we highly recommend you read it if you that's an option for you, but here it is translated into English:
The day before yesterday I uploaded a photo in a bikini. Some comments surprised me ..
The body is always something that matters/worries us too much, especially due to the fact that we are hardly comfortable or happy with the body we have.
For me the last 2 years have been a journey of drastic changes in that regard. I had never worried about having to diet or exercise, since I have a very privileged genetics. After giving birth I gained weight due to fluid retention and hormonal imbalances. And having to deal with a body I was not comfortable with was completely unknown to me.
At those moments I did not realize how demanding, impatient, hard, and unloving I was being with my body without understanding that thanks to that wonderful body I had a perfectly healthy baby in my arms.
And I realized that millions of women went through the same thing and felt the same way as me.
Thanks to my therapist and because I stopped worrying and judging myself, my body began to lose weight.
Then, conversely, six months ago with the pain of separation, my body resented it and began to lose weight quickly.
I get a lot of "what is my diet or my routine." I have never been fixated on achieving a certain body type. I have never been about diet or exercise. I began to exercise by therapeutic recommendation since it releases oxytocin in the brain, so necessary for my process (and in general for physical and mental health). The opinion of good or bad things about my body is the least of it. But I think it is important to be able to hear how the body communicates with us. For me, learning to read it was one of my best tools to understand what was happening internally at certain times (I had never paid real attention to my body before that imbalance in my postpartum period). I think that once we start listening to our body, we learn how to treat it. Sadly, we are used to seeing the body as an object and we do not stop to understand its language, its rhythms and its real needs… At this moment, after having gone through these processes and listening to myself, I feel physically best
The comments people have made about Meghan Fox’s thumbs are just mean.

Folks went in on Twitter! They said things like, "Megan Fox is a babe but I'll never get over her toe thumbs." OK. Or, "The only ugly thing about Meghan Fox is her thumbs." Le sigh.
There's a reason Megan's thumbs look the way they do.
In an interview with Jay Leno, she shared that her thumbs "are weird and they are really fat." There's a reason for that, she has a condition called brachydactyly type D. It's also referred to as club thumbs or toe thumbs. It's an inherited condition that results in shortened fingers or toes. It's not even that uncommon.
Francisca Lachapel was seriously bullied for her weight when growing up.

The former Nuestra Belleza Latina contestant and Despierta America host went through similar criticism last year after haters called her chubby. The crazy thing is that why is being chubby a bad thing or something to be used as an insult? When will we stop equating a person's worth with their weight and appearance?
Did we mention that Francisca Lachapel was also criticized after winning 'Nuestra Belleza Latina?'

Apparently people said really cruel things about her appearance following her win. She said in an interview with People en Español that one of the hardest things for her to get used to as a public person is the way people attack her with such an ugly way and that those attacks have caused her to get depressed at times. Totally understandable.
Kendall Jenner did a nude photo shoot with photographer Sasha Samsonova.

Instead of admiring the artistic photos, haters chose to criticize her feet. Her feet, people! Why? Some people went as far as saying her toes looked jacked. Honestly, who cares? And you know that if it wasn't her feet, they would have found something else to trash.
Eva Longoria was deemed "fat" when this bikini pic hit the internet.

Fortunately, she didn’t let the hate get to her. Eva continued to share sexy bikini pics of herself to IG. Also, can we pretty please stop throwing the word "fat" around like it's an insult. It's not. Just like "tall" or "short" are not insults, although people get criticized for those traits as well.
Paulina Goto has been criticized for her weight.

Paulina Goto has been criticized for her weight. Back in 2016, the Mexican actress was called "gordita y cachetona" but then last year haters attacked her for being "too thin." How about people just let her be and stop judging her for her weight?
Sandra Echeverria gets criticized for being “extremely thin.”

Fans have developed such an obsession with her weight. And you know it isn't a concern about her health. Nope, it is about people feeling like they have the right and in some cases the obligation to criticize a woman in the public eye.
Danna Paola has been called fat on social media.

Again with the use of "fat" as an insult. "I can only say that everyone should love themself as they are…" she said in response to all the hate. "I am happy as I am, and in reality what can I tell you, I could say a thousand things; but I don't want to expand on something that doesn't matter to me. I just (want) them to know that we are human beings and any kind of comments affect us."
Haters said Danna's legs looked too chubby.

If by "too chubby" they meant gorgeous and strong, then HELL YES! Her legs are glorious and they get her from one place to another just fine, thank you very much. She looks fantastic and that's all there is to it.
Geraldine Bazán was criticized for her feet and cellulite on Instagram.

She didn't care, though. Geraldine proudly posted this picture and wrote "I love my feet" in the caption. What's there not to love? Also, where did all the feet critics come from? Sheesh, they're feet, give it a rest.
Shakira has been bullied for her belly button, unretouched dye jobs, and even for not painting her nails.

The superstar was made fun of in her "Chantaje" for showing off her outie belly button. Another time people were offended once when she shared a picture of her wearing a crown because her roots were showing. And there was the time she shared a pic of herself eating a watermelon and everyone went nuts because her nails weren’t done.
Paulina Rubio is another one who has been made fun of because of her feet.

See what we mean about all the feet critics out there? It boggles our minds. Folks went in referring to the music artist’s feet as "ugly" and it was straight mean and unnecessary. They are feet and they look like feet. Deal with it.
Ariadne Díaz has been criticized for her weight.

First they said she was too fat during her pregnancy, then after she shared this post-pregnancy pic, they accused her of having had surgery. Wow, people, just wow. Let the woman be!
Chiquis Rivera had a nasty follower call her fat.

The "f" word again. Her response was the BEST! She wrote back to the hater: And you? You’re handsome and thin, right? It's easy to tear people down, but what is the point? It does absolutely no good.
Adamari López is constantly being bullied for her weight.

She admits that the nasty comments have many times gotten to her but she also recognizes that the haters are also just projecting their own insecurities on her. She could not be more right. That's why we all need to examine why we're saying or even thinking nasty things about others based solely on their appearances.
People were so mean about Roselyn Sánchez’s so-called droopy breasts.

"Droopy breasts show that I am a mother who has breastfed my daughter and I wear them with pride," she tweeted. "The day I get them operated, I will be criticized even worse…I have spoken."
Giselle Blondet has been shamed for her age and it’s unreal.

She’s been cyber bullied for her age on social media and addressed it along with the importance of having a healthy self-esteem at any age in her book TENGO 50, ¿Y QUÉ? Age is not something anyone should be shamed over.
Ana Layevska posed without makeup and people tore her apart.

People told her she was ugly and that she looked dead. It was out of control. She took the high road with her response though. She wrote: “Thank you to everyone for your comments. I'm sending you all kisses.”
People put Sandra Echeverría down for showing off her thin figure.

She posted this picture showing off her post-pregnancy body and people told her she looked way too skinny. Like we said, "Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them and most of them stink."