Ahh, the world we currently live in makes everything more challenging. All things must be modified in order for us to stay healthy and keep others healthy as well. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t get creative when it comes to celebrating life or any holidays. For example, Valentine’s Day! If it’s a holiday that you love, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t celebrate it this year, even if it requires a few tweaks here and there. And if you're drawing a blank on how you can celebrate Valentine's Day this year, we got ya!
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If you are blessed to have love in your life, then that love deserves to be celebrated. Sure, it would be nice if you could take a trip to Argentina and tango in Buenos Aires, but that’s not going to happen this year. But with a little planning, you could bring a bit of Argentina to your home with a nice bottle of malbec wine, choripán with chimichurri sauce, and a tango music playlist that you and your love can dance to like no one is watching, because literally no one will be watching. Keep reading for more creative ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.
If you aren't physically together, do a virtual date.
If, for whatever reason, you can't be physically together, then make sure to have a virtual date. Set up a chunk of uninterrupted time for you to connect. You can drink coffee or wine and just talk to each other. Not about the kids or work. You could bring up beautiful memories of times past or memories you hope to create. Just enjoy each other.
What about a virtual double date?
If you have couple friends that you miss, why not set up a virtual double date? It's a great way to reconnect with your friends and also enjoy each other. Later you can still spend some quality time alone together, but it's fun to be social as a couple.
Take a culinary trip.
We already mentioned how you could bring a bit of Argentina to your home when you can't go to Argentina. Well, you can do the same with any destination via food. If you are missing Mexico, you can make a Mexican feast for two. If you've always dreamed of visiting Italy, you can enjoy exquisite Italian food. You don't even have to make it yourself because you can order in.
Write a love letter.
A love letter from someone you love is a beautiful thing. Take a moment to put good old-fashioned pen to paper and let your honey know just how special they are to you. Don't be shy — go for it!
Set up a romantic picnic for two.
If you have a backyard and weather permits, you could set up a lovely picnic outdoors. But if that's not an option, you could set up a picnic on your bed and still have a fantastic time. It's not about the location; it's about spending time together.
Have a little somethin’ somethin’ delivered.
Nowadays you can have just about anything delivered. If you want to make your valentine feel special, you could have any of the following delivered:
- Candy
- Flowers
- An assortment of beers
- Food from their favorite restaurant
Binge watch romantic or nonromantic movies.
Romantic movies are a great option if your love happens to be into romantic movies. But if they're not, then maybe don't force them to watch romantic movies all day. You could instead take turns watching movies that you each pick.
Rewatch movies you've already seen together throughout your relationship.
Do you have movies you've seen together in the past and loved, or movies that seem significant during a certain period of your lives together? Rewatch those movies together as a sort of tribute to your time together.
Take a virtual class together.
There are so many different virtual classes you can take together. You could take cooking classes, exercise classes, or massage classes. For Valentine's Day, it might be best to take a kind of one-and-done class as opposed to a course that goes on over several weeks.
Make your love a playlist.
Back in the day when you really, really liked someone, you would make them a mixtape. It would take hours of work and effort to plan out the playlist and put everything in just the right order so that your message of love would be clearly conveyed. It's so much easier to put together a playlist now, but that doesn't mean it's any less fun to receive. Your playlist could include songs you both enjoy or even go the naughty route with songs that get you in the mood to get down and dirty.
Go for a drive together.
Go for a scenic drive together. This really isn't about getting to a destination, it's about the journey. Stop along the way, admire the views, and make out. Bonus points if you make a special playlist for the drive.
Breakfast in bed is always an option.
"Not breakfast in bed, AGAIN!" said no one EVER. Seriously, when is serving someone their favorite breakfast in the comfort of their bed a bad idea? It doesn't have to be a fancy menu, either.
Dance the day or night away at home.
Do you guys love to dance? Cool. All you need to do to dance the day or night away is clear some floor space and have a jammin' playlist. If you want to go all out, so to speak, you could get all dressed up for the occasion, but that's totally optional.
Play games together.
Spend the day playing games. Whatever kind of games you two enjoy playing together. Options can include video games, card games, board games, dominoes, or chess. You could make them naughty by having the loser have to take off an article of clothing. Or you could just have fun playing them regularly.
Don't be afraid to lower your expectations.
One of the reasons so many people don't enjoy Valentine's Day is because of the idea that it has to be celebrated with grand gestures. That's ridiculous! Just let go of expectations and allow yourself to enjoy being together. If all you end up doing to mark the occasion is staying in pajamas all day and spending time together, that's fine. It's actually more than fine — it's great!