Mothers, have you heard of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa? I hope you haven't because I think it's the worst disease known to man. Why? Because this incurable and very rare skin condition makes the sufferer's skin break into blisters at the slightest touch. Two-month-old Kiira Kinkle was born with the horrible disease and her parents are desperate for help. They have all their hopes in the medical team of Stanford University and they hope they find a cure soon.
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Their little bundle of joy is covered in bandages and she doesn't know what it's like to be touched. This is so sad! For infants there is nothing more comforting and invigorating that the skin-to-skin bond with mom. For baby Kiira, that's impossible because if her mom touches her skin, it will literally melt away. What a nightmare! The baby's limbs are bandaged because the slightest touch will make her bleed. Poor baby!
Kristi had a normal pregnancy and she didn't know her baby was going to be born with such a devastating disorder. Her heart breaks every single time her baby cries because she can't hold her. Kristi and her husband Jason can't hold their baby unless they use an especial blanket. The couple has two other children who can't understand why they can't touch their baby sister. Wow! The two older little girls want to play with their baby but can't.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease because doctors don't know much about it. The couple needs medical assistance at home and so far they have spent over $20,000 in out-of-pocket expenses. They set up a website for their baby daughter and are asking good hearted people for donations. Baby Kiira is going to need assistance her whole life and sadly there is a lot of pain ahead for the beautiful baby girl. Moms, hold your children tonight and feel blessed that you have that opportunity because others don't.
Images via Danny Cain /Flickr, Kiira Kinkle