Talk about the best birthday ever! 5-year-old Jayden Wilson got the surprise of his little life when Spider-Man showed up at on his doorstep to wish him a happy birthday. In a video posted on Youtube Sunday, Jayden's father, Michael Wilson, suited up as the comic book hero and literally dropped in on what may be the terminally ill tyke's last birthday party. Warning: watch only if you're wearing water-proof mascara, because you're definitely going to cry!
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When his son Jayden was diagnosed with a grade 4 brain stem tumor and given only a year to live, Wilson decided he wanted to make the little guy's next birthday one for the record. So he suited up in a custom-made Spider-Man suit and showed up to his little boy's fifth birthday party. The now-viral video shows Wilson dressed as Spider-Man costume leaping off the family's roof onto the door step and in front of the lucky birthday boy. Any ordinary kid would have lost their little mind, but not Jayden. He kept his cool. However, the same couldn't be said for Spidey.
Spider-Man couldn't be more thrilled to meet Jayden. Crouching down so to be eye level with the little guy, an enthusiastic Spider-Man asked Jayden how old he is and whether he was having a good birthday, before asking for a hug. Jayden ran into Spidey's arms. The twosome continued chatting for a few minutes longer before Spidey lifted Jayden into his arms and walked him back into the house to continue celebrating the little boy's remarkable life. Awww!
Jayden was diagnosed in 20013 with a grade 4 glioblastoma multiforma brain stem tumor, "the most severe malignant brain tumor" there is, according to ABC News. He was given only a year to live. But that was 17 months ago, and Jayden's father says the little boy is still fighting the illness, like the little hero that he is. Michael said his motivation for making the now-viral birthday video was twofold: he wanted to surprise his super son with a surprise visit from his favorite hero, and he wanted to help raise awareness about Jayden's rare condition. "He's such a little hero and we want the world to know about his journey," Wilson tells the Independent. "As well as to see the Spider-Man video and generate inspiration from it, so that kids have dreams made realities." So far, both of Wilson's wishes have come true. Jayden got a birthday surprise he won't soon forget, and the video has gone on to touch the hearts of more than 1.2 million people.
Images via Thinkstock/ ABC News