Little Latino hero uses money he saved for PS4 for something much better

When 9-year-old Texas boy Hector Montoya decided he wanted to buy Playstation 4, he didn't just ask his parents. He started saving up his own money, eventually getting up to an impressive $300. But then he saw a news report of a fire that killed a mother and daughter in his Grand Prairie neighborhood and all of his plans changed.

Instead of using the money to buy the game console, the young boy selflessly opted do something way more generous.

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Hector teamed up with the fire department and spent the cash on more than 100 fire detectors, which were then installed in the homes of local people who needed them. "I decided saving a life was more important because one life lost is too many," Hector told CBS News.

Is that amazing or what? Not many kids I know would be so willing to give up their own money, especially if they've been saving it up for a while to buy something they want. But Hector is obviously an incredibly thoughtful and special kid. He's a true hero!

And don't worry–his good deed didn't go unnoticed. Though Hector started saving up money again for his PS4, a 19-year-old teen and his little sister heard what he had done and were so impressed, they joined together to buy the console for him. They also donated another $150 to Hector to allow him to purchase more smoke detectors for vulnerable people. Aww! It just goes to show how awesome paying it forward can be.

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