I was first diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) when I was 15, therefore I'm familiar with its symptoms. One of the side effects of the condition is hairiness and although I never experienced that, a 23-year-old woman in England did and embraced it. Harnaam Kaur of Berkshire, England suffers from PCOS and as a result has a full on beard.
Yes, a beard that any man with lack of facial hair would envy. Now, I know what you're thinking. Why doesn't she just shave or wax it off? Well, her answer is a little deeper than you would think!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Bearded mom claims she feels "sexier than ever" with facial hair (VIDEO)
Kaur was bullied as a child in school because at 11 years old she started growing hair on her face, chest, and arms. Despite trying to wax the hair off twice a week, she still struggled with the hair growth. She was ridiculed and the poor woman even received death threats online.
It got so bad that at one point she refused to go out and became suicidal. However when she turned 16, she decided to take control of her life. Instead of hating herself and her condition, she chose to embrace it.
She joined the Sikh religion and it encouraged her to change her perception about her disorder. The religion advocates that you should leave your body as is in its natural state and let body hair grow. Even though she still receives stares in the street, the woman has accepted herself as she is and says, "I feel more feminine, more sexy and I think I look it too."
She is not letting anyone get her down after buidling up her self-esteem and is now working as as teaching assistant at a primary school. She says she even gets fan mail from men who have seen her in videos and ask for her hand in marriage.
Wow, that takes a lot of guts. As women we are expected to look primped and proper but Kaur defied these odds. I'm glad that she found the silver lining in all of this because some women do get down on themselves to an unhealthy extent. This religion has helped her improve her self-love and that is one the most important things in life. Kudos to Kaur for overcoming this adversity!
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/rgQjfcpG7XY
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