If you are Latina and haven't gotten married by a certain age it's like your whole FREAKIN' world is going to come to an end. Oh yeah, I know that this is true for many women across cultures, but can I just say that if you are Latina, 35, and single como chinga la gente and especially your familia?! They actually start being annoying WAY before 35. I made it until 34 before I got married and son of a gun there were people in my family acting like I was so old I was farting dust and I'd be lucky to find anyone who would want me and my old self.
Read more in ¿Qué más?: I waited to become a mom and I don't regret it at all
And it didn't matter if I told them that I didn't feel like I had to get married or had to have kids to have a happy and full life. Oh no, olvídate, that just made them think I was on drugs and maybe I was, but that's not the point. Anyway, that's why I love and appreciate this awesome video created by Paula Schargorodsky from Argentina. It's rignt on the money!
She shares bits of her life and what it is like to be 35 and single when every single last one of her friends hasgotten married. And you know what, it's REALLY not so bad at all. As a matter of fact, the conclusion she reaches at the end is quite liberating and not just to single women, but to women in general. In the end my dears, "Happiness is a choice, isn't it?"
Now watch, you don't have to be a solterona to appreciate it!
Image via YouTube*