It's hard to believe that anything good could come out of a devastating tragedy like last April's Boston marathon bombings. But for survivor James Costello, sustaining injuries in the bombings actually ended up leading him to the love of his life.
Costello was standing with friends near the finish line of the marathon when a bomb blast left his right leg and arm badly burnt. The 31-year-old survivor underwent multiple surgeries before getting transferred to a rehabilitation center. That's where he met Krista D'Agostino.
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Costello says the two would talk from time to time and he eventually realized "not only how beautiful she was but also what a kind heart she had." He convinced her to attend a benefit with him and the rest is history! Eight months later, Costello proposed and D'Agostino said yes! Is that amazing or what?!
"I now realized why I was involved in the tragedy, it was to meet my best friend, and the love of my life," Costello said.
I couldn't help but tear up after hearing this story. Sometimes after tragedies affect us, it's hard to find anything positive or good in the aftermath. But tales like these prove that not only can we continue to rise above stronger than ever, we can also excel and find joy again. It might not be a perfect fairy tale getting there, but that doesn't make it any less of a happy ending. I'm so thrilled for these two and I wish them a long life together filled with lots of light and love!
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