Kids are almost always excited about the approaching holidays, but a lot of the time all of the focus is on one day. Our seven awesome ideas will keep the festivities going from Thanksgiving all the way through to Christmas morning. From small unexpected gifts to fabulous family outings, you'll find ways to celebrate each and every week of the holiday season.
Read more ¿Qué más? 5 Easy DIY Christmas cards to make with the kids!
You'll even find a few opportunities to teach your children what the holidays are really about–celebrating the life and sacrifice of Jesus, not just receiving gifts, but giving them, spending time with family and engaging in your community.
Attend a Tree Lighting

It may be too late this year, but this is definitely an important one for Christmases coming up: Take the whole family to a tree lighting ceremony. Many cities–both big and small–host them in conjunction with a number of other winter festivities such as carriage rides, musical performances and appearances by Santa. The best part is that just about everything is free!
Give Out Blessing Bags

Christmas should be about giving and sacrifice as much as it's about celebrating and rejoicing. A great way to teach your kids exactly that is to have them help you prepare "Blessing Bags" to give out to homeless and needy people throughout the holiday season. You just fill zip-top bags with necessities such as toiletries and snacks, keep them in your car, and when you pass someone in need, offer one to them.
Create a Pesebre

Instead of opting for a store-bought nativity (although there's no shame in that), help your kids create a pesebre of their very own. And be sure to help them learn all about why we celebrate Christmas as they are glueing, painting and folding. Check out Babble's DIY Nativities for inspiration.
Send a Festive Lunch

Get your kids in the holiday spirit by sending them off to school with a surprise Christmas-inspired lunch. The bento-inspired version pictured here looks so adorable and yummy, I don't think any kid could resist.
Add Something Special to Your Decor

Take a couple hours one evening to make a few extra special ornaments for your tree. These handmade "Surprise Ball" Christmas ornaments remind me of pinatas–they are made from wrapping crepe paper around small gifts and treats–and are sure to put a smile on everyone's face come Christmas morning.
Make Traditional Foods

Recruit your children to make traditional Latino holiday foods like Mexican tamales or Puerto Rican pasteles. You can make a big batch to enjoy yourselves, as well as to share with friends and family. Keep some in the freezer and send them with holiday visitors as parting gifts. Your kids will be so proud of their hard work!
Make Christmas Eve Boxes

Looking for a new family tradition of your own? Try making a Christmas Eve box for each child–a wrapped present filled with new holiday pajamas, hot cocoa mix, popcorn and a Christmas movie or book–for them to open and enjoy on Christmas Eve.