An 18 month old Indian baby girl is said to be recovering from a lifesaving surgery after being given only have a few months to live due to a rare disease called hydrocephalus. Roona Begum was born with the condition which left her with a head three times the normal size and is caused by excessive cerebral fluid in the brain. The infant's head grew bigger and bigger after she was born to the point that she could barely move.
Her mother, Fatima, says that he daughter's head was so big, the skin stretched and pulled her eyelids over her eyes, scaring people everywhere she went. Take a look at little Roona's shocking picture after the break…
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Of course, this picture is before her life-saving surgery. CNN explains that the Begum family was poor and could not afford to pay for the life-saving surgery little Roona needed. Then a journalist happened to meet them and took pictures of the infant which touched many around the world, especially Norwegian students Natalie Krantz and Jonas Borchgrevink.
They set up a funding website to help raise money to help Roona get surgery and as a result they were able to come up with over $60,000. Part of the money has gone to the hospital and the rest is said to cover Roona's aftercare. The surgery itself was risky because she was frail and doctor's had never handled a child with an extreme case of hydrocephalus.
Luckily things went better than they expected and Roona's head has begun shrinking, allowing her to live a close to normal life. So far it's unclear if the child will face further complications down the line, but doctors are hopeful and are keeping a close eye on her.
Aw, I'm glad that Roona's disease was able to be treated so effectively. If doctors had waited too long, she could have lost her life, but thankfully that wasn't the case. I hope she can have a full recovery and live life like a normal baby. Her parents are very blessed that there have been many generous people willing to help them out in their times of need. It gives you faith that there is still a bit of kindness left in the world.
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