Tyler and Cheyenne Obsorne from Lacombe, Louisiana lost both their parents. They lost their father Billy, who was a guitarist in a rock band in 1995, when they were just infants. Their mother Liz, a hairdresser, was badly injured and permanently disabled in 2007 while burning trash in their backyard. In 2011, when Tyler was 18 and Cheyenne was 16, Liz died of a heart attack two weeks before Christmas.
Without a father and mother the two teenagers were left to fend for themselves and deal with adult issues on their own. Except they weren't, not really.
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The Osburn's town of about 8,000 people came together to support the two teenagers in so many ways. I'm talking not just friends and neighbors, but even complete strangers.
Gwen Babin and Karen Labatut, their mother's friends, became the teen's legal guardians and started a rotation along with another friend Pam Taylor of cooking meals and staying overnight at the children's home. A pizza place donated meals. A Bible study group mowed their lawn. A fund was set up to help pay their mortgage, utility bills, and food bills through the summer. Amazing!
Tyler is now 19 and working in construction. Cheyenne is now 17 and will be attending a nearby college soon. They both worry about how they will continue to make ends meet and stay in their home. Together, I think they will find a way.
Losing your parents at a young age is something I wish no one ever had to face. Having your community come together and take care of you is something I wish everyone could experience. Cheyenne told People magazine: "I never thought all these people would want to help so much. It's been amazing."
It's the kind of story that makes you want to be a better person.
Image via Twitter/CheyOsburn