5-year-old hero saves his dad’s life all because he knew his ABCs

Nathaniel Dancy Jr.__ of New Jersey was in the car with his father, Nathaniel Dancy Sr., on the way back from buying new shoes when his father started having a stroke and aneurysm. Thankfully, Nathaniel Sr. had his wits about him enough to pull off the highway and pull over into a nearby parking lot thereby saving his son and himself from being in a car accident. Nathaniel Jr. returned the favor by getting his father, who had stepped out of the car and was throwing up, help. Did I mention that Nathaniel Jr is only 5 years old? Yup, he's 5!

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This smart 5-year-old grabbed his father's phone and called his grandmother. He was trying to tell her where they were, but having difficulty reading the name of a nearby store, but Nathaniel Jr. knows his ABCs, so he spelled out F-U-R-N-I-T-U-R-E and then the number 22. He was also able to tell his grandmother that they had just gone through a tunnel, which is actually a highway overpass. Because of this child's firm grasp of the alphabet and overall intelligence, his grandmother was able to get help to him and his father.

Nathaniel Sr. is in the hospital and unable to speak. Doctors say he is lucky to be alive, but it's not luck that saved him, it was his son.

Nathaniel Jr.'s mother and grandmother are not surprised that he was able to rise to the occasion and help his father get medical attention. His proud grandmother says:

Nothing Nathaniel does is a surprise to me because he does such a tremendous job in everything he does. He'll read something like, "The boy slammed the door," and say, "Grandma that's onomatopoeia because the word sounds like the sound effect." He is tremendous.

I agree, he seems like a tremendous child.

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