After showing resistance to chemotherapy treatments, 18-year-old Lorelei Decker was told by her doctors that she needed a life-saving stem cell transplant to try to battle her cancer. Unbelievably, her medical insurance deemed the procedure not "medically necessary" and denied the coverage. Instead of accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield's decision, Lorelei fought back–in a most unexpected way!
The Oklahoma teen and her family turned to social media for help, launching a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #ApproveLorelei … and they won! BCBS told Lorelei her treatment was approved just one day after she started her online campaign to put pressure on the company.
This is undoubtedly a story about the amazing power of social media and its users to influence companies–and people in general–to do the right thing. But it's also a story about what can happen when you decide to fight back, even against giants like BCBS which seem impossible to beat.
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We've all had our run-ins with insurance companies and for all kinds of reasons, but I just can't comprehend how Lorelei's insurance had the audacity to deny a procedure that will most likely safe her life. I find it utterly unacceptable and it's about time more of us stood up to these companies and the way they mistreat their customers–especially those who are already going through so much because of their illnesses, as in Lorelei's case.
I think it's awesome that this girl and her family decided to go public with what the insurance company was doing to them. It takes guts and real determination to do what she did and we should all applaud her for being such a great example. Let's pray her treatment is successful and that she's finally able to beat cancer!
Image via NewsOK