We already know that dogs are amazing pets that are there with us through thick and thin. But they can also be our saviors too as proven in the case of a 63-year-old French woman whose German shepherd stopped her from committing suicide.
The unnamed woman who hails from the town of Sorgues intended on shooting herself in the chest with her .22 caliber rifle, until her dog took matters into his own hands and saved her life. How amazing is that?!
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According to the U.K. Telegraph, the woman had tested out her rifle with some trial shots before turning it on herself. Police say in the moment she went to pull the trigger, her dog jumped up on her and diverted the shot. She resulted with a minor chest wound and was found by her husband conscious and taken to a hospital for medical treatment.
I'm amazed at how this woman's dog managed to know what was going on and stopped her from committing the biggest mistake of her life. Even the dog understood that her life was in danger and that what she was doing was wrong. She has to thank the dog for knocking sense into her and making her realize that she was about to go through with something horrible.
While she may have been suicidal about things not going her way lately in life, the dog proved that killing herself would not solve any of her problems. I hope this is the wake-up call this woman needs to seek out proper help if she has been feeling down and defeated. But she sure must be thankful for her brave pooch and his well-timed rescue!
Image via kate e.did/Flickr