Best boyfriend ever surprises grieving girlfriend with a new puppy

If there is one thing I require in my dating life it's that my significant other must love dogs. Even if he isn't obsessed the way I am, I do think it's important that your partner likes your pet and vice versa. So when I came across the video of the guy who bought his girlfriend a pug puppy after her beloved Beagle died, I cried.

Yes, I cried because it's sad to lose your dog, but the boyfriend's gesture also shows how much he cares about his girlfriend's happiness. The amazing video has gone viral since it was released and I can't blame you if you watch it 5 times just to catch a glimpse of the beyond adorable pug. I know I did!

This man goes into the world record of best boyfriends out there because most guys don't know how to console a woman when she's in a mourning state. But he immediately took action and decided to surprise her with a new little guy–which we're sure he knew she wouldn't be able to resist. I mean, it's a pug puppy, why ANYONE would reject him is beyond me.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Love Your Pet Day: Meet the pets of MamásLatinas! (PHOTOS)

In the video you see the boyfriend telling viewers his plan to surprise his girlfriend with the puppy after she had to put down her pet Beagle, B.B. And honestly, the best parts have to be the puppy shots in between the time he waits for her to walk through the door.

Her reaction to her present is priceless and heartbreaking at the same time since she's overcome with emotion. Having just lost her pooch clearly took a toll on her, but she seemed excited to have the pug puppy in her life (duh!) as she hugged it tight.

I'm happy to see that this loveable boyfriend proved to his girlfriend that brighter days are to come by presenting her a new puppy that she can share new adventures with. One thing for sure is this video will never get old! Check it out below!

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