Nothing brightens up my day than learning about kids doing good, like for example Chase Branscum of Owasso, Oklahoma, who just celebrated his eighth birthday, but decided to do something most kids would NOT do with their birthday presents. The generous 8-year-old received over 500 gifts for his birthday, but instead of keeping them, he decided to help local boys and girls through a Toys for Tots toy drive.
Isn't that the most selfless thing you've heard someone–let alone an 8-year-old–do for others?
Unlike the average boy his age, Chase passed up a traditional party and instead had his 100 guests show up to Rejoice Church North Campus Gymnasium to help the charity. Of course, all good deeds got rewarded and the lucky birthday boy and his friends received something special in return.
According to the Toys for Tots Owasso chapter coordinator, Michelle Hayes, toys are in high demand and they need to raise gifts for over 2,000 kids this season. Chase's humble heart not only gained him recognition but local business owner Daniel Stockton of Red Dot Laser Tag was so touched by the story that he decided to benefit the party.
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Kids not only helped out for a good cause, but thanks to Stockton, guests got to play laser tag, eat snacks, and play games. And it seems like Chase was a good influence on his friends who also had a good time at the party and were glad to be helping out kids less fortunate than them. The one person proudest of all is Chase's mom, Tiffany Rowe. "You want to raise your child to be generous and to think of someone other than themselves," said Rowe, "Him doing this was a gift to me."
I say we could all take some pointers from Chase here! His parents are certainly raising him right and it's nice to hear about kids like him being generous as opposed to spoiled and bratty. And I'm sure Chase's whole family is proud of him for his thoughtful gesture and kind heart. It's great to hear about children doing good things for society–it gives me some hope that there is still some good in the world. Maybe for my next birthday party, I'll follow in Chase's footsteps since he's clearly headed in the right direction!
Image via FOX23