Who says men can't be sensitive? A Reddit.com user proclaimed his love for his pregnant wife battling breast cancer by posting a sweet message on the popular site. The loyal husband wrote: "My pregnant wife is undergoing chemotherapy so after Thanksgiving dinner we decided to shave each other's heads." The couple documented their transformation via a photo album as his wife plans on getting treatment for her diagnosis.
The post captured the attention and support of many Reddit users and thankfully doctors caught the cancer in time before the baby was at risk. As touchy as the topic of chemotherapy during pregnancy may be, doctors have said that it is indeed safe for pregnant women to receive the treatment if done at the right time.
It's amazing to see this husband's gesture towards his ailing wife. She is also super brave for going through with the chemo despite being pregnant. Instead of getting depressed, this thoughtful husband knew that the best way to help his wife get through this was by putting a smile on her face and by being supportive. Even if that meant shaving his head too!
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According to the Huffington Post, the wife's breast cancer was found during stage 2 and can be easily treated. She is also 36 weeks into her pregnancy which doctors say puts her in the safe zone to get the treatment done without harming the fetus.
The photo album he posted on reddit's site has also received a whopping 21,504 votes. Amazing!
I hope that someday I'll have a husband that is just as supportive as this man is. A person's character during hard times tells a lot about them and this man has shown how selfless and thoughtful he is. We wish him and his wife the best of luck as she battles that awful disease. But we're sure we'll hear about a happy and healthy baby being born in a matter of weeks!
Image via Imgur