I am going to be participating in a march against domestic violence this weekend and I want all of you in the NYC area to join me. It's a cause that is very near and dear to my heart and a march that I founded back in 2011. So this year will be the second annual the L.O.V.E (Love Overcomes Violence Eternally) march. I started this with a friend of mine in the hopes that if we went public with our former abusive relationships, other women would join the movement and we can all help prevent this from every happening to another person ever again.
October is domestic violence awareness month and there is only ONE other walk in all of NYC to stand against violence towards women. Will you join me? Watch my video below and find out all about this movement and make sure to visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thelovewalk.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3N_-Xlmv5g